Sales Rep Quickstart

Welcome to the first click to close sales enablement platform. This quickstart will lay out everything you need to know to use fully.

Share your booking URL with everyone you can.

Your booking URL is found in the top right of your Ripcord dashboard. This link will ensure that anyone who gets it gets routed directly to you.

If you ever need help in your demos make sure you utilize the SOS button.

Ripcord allows you to request a teammate to join any of your meetings with just the push of a button. If you help closing or maybe a tech to come in and answer a question, support is just a click away. This is a game changer because you are now selling without the fear of doing it 100% yourself.

Right before the demo ends, make sure you share the salesroom.

Ripcord provides every deal with a unique salesroom that has all the steps needed to onboard your new client. It also gives the potential client a call to action showing them a coupon code and when the deal expires, so to create a sense of urgency. It is IMPERATIVE that at the end of every deal you push the salesroom button, and inform them that this is the place they will take the next steps, have a copy of the demo you just did, and that this link will also be emailed to them in a few minutes so they have it and can share it with other stakeholders that may need to see the demo to decide on pulling the trigger or not.

When your demo is over, make sure you update this deal status.

Ripcord has TONS of automated follow up for EVERY possible situation, but it needs you to give the deal status the proper attention. That means ONLY marking the deal LOST, if there is ZERO chance that the deal with move forward. Even if there is a 5% change leave the deal open and add a note, than Ripcord will step in with the automation getting them to sign the contract (if applicable) and complete payment.

Keep an eye out for stuck deals...

Ripcord automatically moves your deal status through the pipeline based on the actions your leads take in the dealroom. So in theory, all you have to do is check the time your deals have been stuck in any given status, and make sure you follow up if they have been in a status for an extended period of time. The system will give you a list of these "stuck" deals, & they will show in your notifications as well.

Use Ripcord for your normal meetings (ad-hock) as well!

Ripcord can be utilized just like Zoom for any and all of your meetings, not just your deal demo meeting. To start an ad-hock meeting either click the ripcord button your top navigation, or share your booking url which gives the recipient the ability to book a 1 off (ad-hock) meeting at the bottom of the page.

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